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Gavel and Law Books

Stagg Wabnik Group develops and presents Legal Primers on complex issues for businesses and corporate counsel. Please contact us regarding available materials or developing a Legal Primer specific to your needs.

"The legal information provided herein is general and should not be relied on as legal advice. Legal advice cannot be given without full consideration of all relevant information relating to your individual situation"

Legal Primers

Insurance Policy

New York's New Insurance Disclosure Obligation

An eleventh-hour change to New York’s Civil Practice Law and Rules (“CPLR”) on December 31, 2021 has increased the insurance disclosure obligation of defendants, creating an almost impossible burden on large corporations. 

Surrogate’s Court

Accountings by Trustees in NYS Surrogate's Court

An accounting is a detailed record of all actions taken by a trustee in the performance of its trust.

Credit Report

The Issuance of a 1099-C and The Fair Credit Reporting Act

There is no bright-line rule regarding what should be reported on a consumer's credit report when a 1099-C is issued.

Real Estate Attorney

Regulation X Disclosure Requirements

The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act ("RESPA"), commonly known as Regulation X, was enacted to effectuate changes in the settlement process for residential real estate.

New York City Street

Distribution of Property Located in New York to Foreign Fiduciaries

New York's Surrogate's Courts have jurisdiction over all property located within the State.

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